Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012-01-11 "89.5 Ozcat Radio - THE COOLEST CATS IN THE BAY AREA!!" from "Zero To Hero Films"

Vallejo, CA - Lot's of people could have been out at THRASHOCALYPSE in Modesto on this night, but I took a chance on a benefit show for a kick ass radio station.
It was close to home and with a group of people I will always keep close to my heart.
These are the DJ's, personalities, bands and fans that showed up for what turned out to be a very powerful, theatrical show at Ozcat Radio 89.5 FM.
This radio station is truly as magical and as wonderful as the name implies.
This station runs on love, hard work and dedication of a few dozen DJ's interns and other staff that all pitch in to bring you the best of the local acts in nearly every genre out there.
DONATE to their cause dammit.
I gave all my time and effort to put this piece together - now do your part because OZCAT has been doing their part for 6 years.
TOY CALLED GOD blew the doors off in typical fashion with a huge sound.
DEATH UNDER FIRE provided great stage presence, hot chicks, sweet guitar licks and a pounding rhythm section that paved the way for Sweatleaf - one of the most skilled and creative cover bands I have ever seen or heard in my 40 years.
I'll tell you what - it sounded like having Tommy, Ozzy, Randy and the rest of the boys right there in front of us.
If you say you love Ozzy and Sabbath and aren't seeing these guys EVERY TIME THEY PLAY - you are a liar.

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